Taking on Life Fulfillment

As we are about to begin Life Fulfillment Consulting with a new cohort, what is timely to say right now? Here are some “first thoughts” in preparation for Life Fulfillment Consulting:

  • While people often think that they are more than willing to be wholeheartedly happy, there are reasons that it remains more rare than common. Certain things get in the way of being wholeheartedly happy. Being a regular person will do it. So will entertaining all of what you aren’t doing that at some level (possibly even unconsciously) you think you could be doing. And much more worth rooting out.
  • Wholeheartedly belonging to life, as if “you” are an expression of what it is all doing for the last 14 billion years up to now, as well as part of the unfolding of where it is going, makes room to have the whole mess — the good, the bad, and the ugly — and be privileged to unfold it from here by development.
  • There is a deep feeling of fit when you bring that which you are deeply grounded in as a strength to your own and others life situations. It is indeed sufficient for building a whole life (whole as in beginning to end, and whole as in all domains of living).
  • Never underestimate the value of mastering all of the dimensions of time as central to fulfillment. Adopting a common-sense notion of time will cost fulfillment and substitute busyness and a desperation for cramming “substitute satisfactions” into a life. Bet on fulfilling your life in all dimensions of time/timing, and real satisfaction will take care of itself.
  • The key orientation to a satisfying relationship with time is that of “unfolding”. It is inclusive of past, present, future, and what underlies and gives them. There is an integrity to this relation to time, and it avoids most of the major fantasy relationships to time (wishing and hoping and wanting), as well as the more presumptuous relations to time (big promises and goal-setting as a fixation as if you are in charge of life).

Please consider these notions. And prepare the way for being wholeheartedly happy while unfolding your life.

About Ken Anbender

Kenneth Anbender Ph.D. has spent the last 50 years working with more than a hundred thousand people directly on the principles and methods that support the fulfillment of a human life -- in community and at work. He has developed a body of work that is licensable called The Contegrity Approach.
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